Statutory Plans

What are statutory plans?

Across Australia the States and Territories regulate the manner in which records are maintained for mines. Under their respective legislative provisions, current plans for mines are maintained, certified, and submitted to the relevant regulatory body in accordance with a designated set of accuracy and drafting standards. These are known as statutory plans.

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How statutory plans work

Statutory plans provide comprehensive records of the mine workings, infrastructure, datum information and tenure at the date of certification. A certified plan guarantees that the information it contains has been verified and is in accordance with prevailing legislative provisions.

A mine surveyor with the appropriate qualifications and endorsement can provide this certification.

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Utilising statutory plans

Statutory plans are essential for mining companies to operate at a surface or underground mine. The plans provide immediate access to critical information for the effective management of safety at a mine site. They contain the vital information that is the basis for design and planning decisions at an operational level.

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Benefits of using statutory plans

Correctly compiled statutory plans ensure that your company can – and does – meet its obligations under the relevant legislative provisions. They promote greater operational and resource visibility to those stakeholders not directly involved in the data collection and design process.

The plans also facilitate discussion and forward planning, providing access to the most current spatial information for a mining operation. They also ensure that an operation is suitably informed to respond to events affecting safety at mine sites.

Statutory plans are generated in parallel with traceable data, standards compliance, and auditable records, all of which allow for independent verification.

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What challenges can Land Surveys solve with statutory plans?

Land Surveys has experienced mine surveyors who can verify and certify statutory plans while they are based at planned or active mining operations.

Land Surveys can provide advice and support for compiling archived mine plans and their conversion to digital formats. It can also independently audit and verify survey data that will underpin the preparation of statutory plans.

Land Surveys can design and customise drafting templates for a range of software applications to support the submission of statutory plans to the relevant mining authorities.

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Why choose Land Surveys for your statutory plan requirements?

The Land Surveys team houses the prerequisite expertise and experience to prepare statutory plans. This affords operational staff within mining companies the valuable time to focus on production tasks in the knowledge that Land Surveys is ensuring that all statutory obligations are being fully addressed and met.

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